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City of Palo Alto  >   Palo Alto Basketball Fall 07 Mondays  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result EPRI Megawatts 55 at 3 Quarters 31
Team Pages
Scheduled 10/15/2007 8:00p EPRI Megawatts
Location Terman Gym 3 Quarters
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The powerful inside game of EPRI Megawatts caused problems for a undersize 3 Quarters squad. The EPRI Megawatts out rebounded 3 Quarters 3/1 and also made 10 of 14 free throws.
Early in the second half, 3 Quarters' guards connected on two three pointers to close the led to 10 but it wouldn't be enough, EPRI Megawatts wins by 24 points.