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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Minor League AA Division (8-11 Yrs Old)  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result White Sox 4 at Red Sox 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/20/2007 5:00p White Sox
Location Pine Valley 2 Red Sox
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Red Sox Notes:
No notes

White Sox Notes:
The Red Sox proved themselves to be SRA's best at AA!

The White Sox struck for two in the top of the first on a big double by Patrick K. When Josh C shut the Red Sox down in the bottom of the first, things looked good for the Pale Hose. However, Nick S shut down the White Sox in the 2nd and 3rd and the Red Sox struck for 2 in the secon on Daniel M.'s base hit. After Scott F. hit a big double in the third and ultimately came around to score the Red Sox had a 6-2 lead after 3. In the fourth, Patrick K came around to score on a shot by Nick K. However, the inning ended on a nice catch by the center fielder. In the fifth, a nice play by the Red Sox third baseman ended a two on rally. In the bottom of the fifth, the Red Sox had a runner on second and no outs. Ethan K at third snagged the grounder, looked the runner back, and threw to first. When the runner on second tried to go third, Josh C threw the ball back across the diamond for a double-play. AND that was the White Sox defensive play of the season!

In the sixth, the White Sox faced the end of their season. Jacob S hit a ball into center that Trevor M. made a great play to get the first out. Josh C followed with a double. In attempting to steal third, an errant throw allowed Josh to score basically without a throw. After craziness ensued, the run was added to the scoreboard after a failed appeal on runner missing home. Ethan K and Adam P then drew walks to bring up the tying run with 1 out. Scott F., though, settled down and got the last two outs and the Championship.

The Red Sox players were great. They hit up and down the lineup and everyone made big plays.

I'll miss the White Sox players and fans.

It's now down to me rooting for my older son. GO Majors Indians! Go 11-year old All-Stars!

After that, I'll see you guys next season.