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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Minor League AA Division (8-11 Yrs Old)  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Athletics 7 at White Sox 11
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/25/2007 5:00p Athletics
Location Windemere Ranch 1 White Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries White Sox Notes:
This was a see-saw affair. The White Sox jumped out to a 6-2 lead, but the Athletics came storming back and eventually took a 7-6 lead. The key moment for the White Sox came in the bottom of the 4th. With the White Sox holding a slim 8-7 lead and two on with two outs, Sean K ripped a base hit to score two runs. When Robin D followed up with a timely hit, the White Sox could breathe just a bit easier at 11-7.

Ryan B made a huge defensive play in the first, saving at least two runs. Ethan K had probably his hardest hit ball of the season. Patrick K threw 3 scoreless innings in relief.

Athletics Notes:
No notes