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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Minor League AA Division (8-11 Yrs Old)  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Red Sox 14 at White Sox 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/2/2007 3:30p Red Sox
Location Pine Valley 2 White Sox
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries White Sox Notes:
The mighty Red Sox came out of the chutes living up to their reputation. The Red Sox 6-run ruled the White Sox in each of the first two innings. With the White Sox pitching becoming dangerously thin, it didn't look good for the White Sox. Jacob S came to the rescue with a masterful 4-inning effort. However, the White Sox bats could never quite score enough.

Pavin V and Neal S were both on base three times. Jacob S had 3 hits. Sean K had two hits and a walk.

Red Sox Notes:
No notes