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San Ramon Little League  >   2007 Minor League AA Division (8-11 Yrs Old)  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result White Sox 15 at Twins 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/24/2007 5:00p White Sox
Location Pine Valley 2 Twins
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Twins Notes:
No notes

White Sox Notes:
It seemed like the White Sox were always one big hit away, that hit never came, but they kept tacking on runs in each inning. After the White Sox scored 5 in the top of the first, the Twins scored 4 in the bottom of the inning. Jacob S had a big 11 pitch 3 strike out inning in the 2nd. Patrick K then held the Red Sox at bay over the last 3 innings.

Ethan K had two hits and was on base 4 times.Jacob S had two doubles. Pavin V was on base 4 times. Sean K had a couple of hits and made a nice defensive play at 2nd. Ryan B is getting better with each game and hit the ball solidly a couple of times (a nice play Michael P kept him from a two-hit night). Aaron V had a base knock and got robbed by the first baseman (nice play, Jack R). The fastest runner on the team, Neal S, showed his speed and slid in just safe on a play at the plate.