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NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 10 at Padres 8
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Scheduled 6/6/2001 6:00p Pelicans
Location Willard MS Padres
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary The 10th-seeded Pelicans live to fight one more time. Carl M went 5+ innings, holding the sweet swinging Padres to just 5 runs. Ali WS came on in the 6th to pitch out of a jam, and then somehow got out of the 7th for the Save.

The Pels scored early and often, with Ali and Andy S leading the hit parade. Chris L doubled off the left field fence, and Sam C doubled down the right field line. Sophie K and Tommy B both played excellent defense, and both contributed key singles.