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Philly CYBL  >   2006/2007 CYBL Boys 14-17  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result St. Luke's C 24 at The Advocate 87
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/14/2006 6:15p St. Luke's C
Location Lonnie Young Recreation Center The Advocate
Game Number N/A
Game Type Practice
Official(s) : James Scott
: Alfie Morris
Game Summary In this Pre-season scrimmage, Tylee Duckett(26 points) and Marv Richardson(21 points) led their team to victory as they attempted to serve notice to the rest of the league that they are going to be a force to be reckoned with this season. St. Luke's receive a team high 7 points each from Courtney Alexander and Imowo Udo-utun

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