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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Girls 5th&6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt) 28 at The Sparks (Beireis) 38
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/21/2007 12:30p Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt)
Location Alameda HS, Old Gym The Sparks (Beireis)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Playing with only 6 team members, the Sparks showed a masterful command of the court; opening the game up with a two-point lay-up by Madison Willcox. Christine Nguyen’s persistent tough defense, Kwele Serrell’s sparkling one-on-one lay ups, Jayla Velasquez’s tenacious steals, and the ‘nothing but net’ show that Alexa Le put on for the crowd made for an incredibly exciting game. The fans stomped their approval, as everyone contributed to the 39 point season high score, from the long passes to the short rebounds to the tough defense under the boards. Truly a team effort, the Sparks were simply unstoppable. The Royal Hoop Swishers unbeaten streak came to an end on Sunday, but the Hoopsters went down valiantly. Jessica Ravetti had an awe-inspiring game, with six steals, 16 rebounds and an astounding 22 points, including a 3-pointer at the buzzer. Jenny Coyne displayed fine ball control, and some touch passing in addition to her eight rebounds. Briana Chopus showed great court presence and pumped in two points. Christina Carmon’s sticky-fingered defense led to three steals.

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