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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Girls 5th&6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt) 29 at Untouchables (Marmor) 28
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/17/2006 1:00p Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt)
Location Alameda HS, Old Gym Untouchables (Marmor)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Hoop Swishers were led by Marie Bertholdt with 13 points, despite fouling out with minutes left in the game. Emily Grimm added six points and Jenny Coyne scored four for the Hoop Swishers. Gariana Youngblood led the Untouchables with 10 points, followed by Alexandria Hartwell with eight and Amber Bishop with five.

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