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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Girls 5th&6th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Icy Hot (Adkins) 12 at Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt) 28
Team Pages
Scheduled 12/3/2006 12:00p Icy Hot (Adkins)
Location Encinal HS Gym Hoop Swishers (Bertholdt)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The Hoopsters' Marie Bertholdt tallied 12 points, 13 rebounds and five blocked shots, but also kept everyone involved by passing to all of her teammates. Jessica Ravetti was fierce on both ends of the court, contributing two steals, a block and six points. Jenny Coyne stood out at point guard and Emily Grimm and Christina Carmon pulled in some clutch boards to keep the game under control.

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