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Alameda Youth Basketball, Inc.  >   AYB 2006-07 Boys 8th Grade  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Speed (Deierling) 29 at Kids (Torres) 21
Team Pages
Scheduled 1/21/2007 4:00p Speed (Deierling)
Location Alameda HS, New Gym Kids (Torres)
Game Type Normal
Game Summary The game between the Speed and the Kids was fast and furious with both sides capitalizing on strong defense and myriad of steals. Jon Mykal Reyes’ outside shooting for four points and J.T. Deierling’s solid defense and passing contributed to a half time lead by the Speed. The second half saw the Kids with a scoring run that brought the Speed’s lead to a tenuous two points. A fourth quarter strong presence under the boards by Matt Kerr and Tyler Cobb (Game MVP for the Speed) held the Kids in check.

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