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NOLL/SOLL  >   2001 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Islanders 12 at Sugar Kings 12
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/22/2001 1:30p Islanders
Location Owen Jones Sugar Kings
ReScheduled 5/23/2001 5:00p
ReSched Location Golden Gate
Game Type Normal
Game Summary In an epic game that captured the spirit of little league, the Islanders and Sugar Kings battled to a 12-12 tie, called after seven innings on account of darkness.

The Islanders struck for 10 runs in the first behind two hits and four rbi's by JoshuaF. The Sugar Kings, led by WillyE, JebR and JoshV (four hits each) fought their way back until the game was tied at 12, WilltE shutting down the hard-hitting Islanders for three innings.

The Islanders got outstanding late-inning pitching and defense from MichaelT, GuyH and ScottC, holding off the Sugar Kings twice with the bases loaded until darkness fell. A brilliant catch by ZackZ in left kept the Islanders off the board in the top of the seventh.