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SF Architects | Engineers | Contractors Softball  >   Summer 2001  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result KMD 40 at TGAO Design Group 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 7/18/2001 6:00p KMD
Location Speedway D TGAO Design Group
Game Type Normal
Game Summary A great time was had by all...
Upon getting a single, John Deffenbaugh ran to the other game's third base on field C instead of first on field D... but he's from Scotland...
Zach Pozner swung and missed in front of his girlfriend...
TGAO played with a bare handed center fielder and had a batter that called upon 'the force' to get hits... Obi Wan had some entertaining moves at the plate.
KMD would like to thank TGA/ TSAO for a great game and their fun attitudes.

Hitter Stats
David Anderson 5 4 4 0.800 2 1 0 1.600 7 0 0 1
John Deffenbaugh 6 4 4 0.667 1 0 0 0.833 0 0 0 1
Dean Enell 6 5 6 1.000 1 1 2 2.500 6 0 0 1
Calvin Gee 5 5 5 1.000 0 0 3 2.800 5 0 0 1
Grace Hsu 6 1 1 0.167 1 0 0 0.333 1 0 0 1
Sean Huang 6 5 5 0.833 1 0 1 1.500 3 0 0 1
Chuck Kwon 6 2 4 0.667 2 1 0 1.333 1 0 0 1
Zach Pozner 6 6 6 1.000 1 0 1 1.667 4 0 0 1
Karen Roberson 5 2 2 0.400 0 0 0 0.400 0 0 0 1
Dennis(2) Schofield 5 1 4 0.800 2 0 0 1.200 0 0 0 1
Noah Tolson 6 6 6 1.000 3 1 0 1.833 6 0 0 1
KMD Totals:  62 41 47 14 4 7 33 0 0 11