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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Scrappers 7 at Monarchs  12
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/1/2004 5:30p Scrappers
Location OAB-2 Monarchs 
Game Type Playoff
Official(s) Plate Umpire: john roberts
Base Ump 1: Alison Monroe
Game Summary Monarchs 12 Scrappers 7

It was 4-1 Monarchs in the third until the Scrappers Jack S. capped their rally to make it 5-4 Scrappers. But the Monarchs offense took, over led by David B., Alex R., Phil H., and Daniel A. who each scored twice in the game. Peter W. and Kai H. added two RBIÕs each. The Scrappers Willie D. made repeated highlight-reel defensive stops. But with the two Monarchs pitchers each striking out 6, first baseman Phil H. diving to protect the line, and David B. playing flawlessly at short it was the Monarchs who advanced to the semi-finals.