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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 5 at Reds 11
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/9/2004 1:00p Angels
Location Front Caldecott Reds
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Edward Schilling
Base Ump 1: Gary Greenfield
Base Ump 2: Steve Burke
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Reds Notes:
Wes G. settled down after a rocky start to pitch 6 strong innings and earn the win for the Reds. Stuart J., Patrick M., and Joaquin A. helped lead the Reds offense, while Aaron L. and Miguel B. made some nice plays in the field.

Angels Notes:
Young pitching and erratic defense were too much to overcome for the Angels. After playing their best game of the year the day before, the realization of youth baseball hit home. This game was close for the first couple innings then the Angels let it slip away. Excellent defensive plays we turned in by Daniel Y. who caught a screaming line drive off the bat of Stuart J. in left field then turned it into a double play by picking the runner off third base. Andie R. and Robert O. turned in a nice defensive gem in the bottom of the sixth. At the plate Gary R-O plated 2 runs in the first inning with a clutch 2 out hit, Ned L. hit a triple and Halley Y. smacked a hard single up the middle driving in a run.

Kevin S. pitched a scoreless 6th inning for the Angels in his pitching debut.