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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 8 at Red Sox 3
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/1/2004 3:00p Astros
Location Willard MS Red Sox
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Roger Allen
Base Ump 1: David Bluhm
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Red Sox Notes:
No notes

Astros Notes:
A much anticipated battle of talented lefties took place in the late afternoon sun of Willard Field. Bryce took the hill for the undefeated Astros and he had his stuff working, as he scattered 2 basehits while walking none and striking out 10 as he tossed 6 innings of shutout ball at the RedSox. Meanwhile, his counterpart, hard throwing Jordan R, was almost as sharp, keeping the Astro bats in check until James “Barehand” delivered a single to center to lead off the 3rd inning, and a single by Kani brought him home for the early 1-0 lead. The Astros added to the margin in the 4th as Spencer led off with a blast to the depths of centerfield, for a triple. Bryce then helped his own cause with a triple of his own into the right field corner, and the ‘Stros were on their way. Sam and Jordan contributed hits for the RedSox.