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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Astros 11 at Pelicans 3
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/24/2004 4:00p Astros
Location Witter Pelicans
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Erik Housh
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Pelicans Notes:
The Pels had been looking forward to their first meeting with the Astros for a couple weeks, and the YellowShirts were pumped... apparently, a little too pumped.

Big League Chu pitched very well, but gave up 4 in the first despite not letting a ball out of the infield. The Pelican defense was just a little too keyed up and muffed a number of outs. Nearly every batter went to a 3-ball count as the Astros showed their patience.

The second inning was more of the same - and before it was over, the Pels made wholesale changes. Tika came on with the heart of the Astros lineup coming up and set them down 1-2-3 with the help of a calmer defense. The Pels couldn't turn their defensive momentum to offensive advantage, though.

The game remained laregely scoreless over the next 4 innings. The Astros put seemingly thousands of runners on, despite getting only 3 hits to the outfield, but the Pels stranded most of them (the Astros scored just 3 between the 3rd and 6th). The Pels had the opposite problem, with rallies starting after 2 were out and going nowhere.

The Pels bats finally came alive in the 7th, down 11 but looking to tie things up. Twig started off with a single, stole second and was plated by Waylin's RBI single. A few walks and an RBI grounder by Tika plated two more.

Special thanks to PlateUmp EH and BaseUmp PG who filled in admirably at the latest of last moments.

Astros Notes:
No notes