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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Mariners 5 at Angels 18
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/18/2004 4:00p Mariners
Location Willard MS Angels
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Peter Stanwyck
Base Ump 1: Tim Potter
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Angels Notes:
Rain was the call of the day but these two teams were committed to playing and not having to make it up later in the year. Credit to be given to the fans and umpires for sticking in there. Now how the heck do we get all the mud off the equipment?
The Mariners opened up with an early 2-0 lead on a clutch two out hit by Joey D. The Angels came back in the bottom of the first to score 4 runs and they never looked back. Finally in the 6th game of the year the Angels were getting clutch hits and driving in runs instead of leaving them stranded.

The Angels were led by the power hitting of Ned L. who had 3 hits and drove in 6 runs. Gary R-O had 2 hits and 3 rbi. Jimmy H. added 3 hits and 2 rbi and Jordan E. 2 hits and 3 rbi. Andie R. knocked a ringing double to get her hitting grove back on.

Mariners Notes:
No notes