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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Giants 4 at Marlins 10
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/4/2004 1:00p Giants
Location Bushrod 1 Marlins
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Dave Fogarty
Base Ump 1: James Lee
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Marlins Notes:
The Marlins defense finally came through with its best performance of the young season. Chris K. gave up 2 early runs, but quickly battled back to shut down any further threats. His battery mate, Baron A., helped out by firing a laser down to 2nd to throw out a baserunner. Unfortunately, a blister on Chris' pitching hand would force him from the hill. Without skipping a beat, though, Thomas M. stepped in and pitched 5 solid innings, only giving up 2 runs while striking out 12. On the offensive side, the Marlins found themselves in double-digits yet again, led by the hot-hitting of Aaron L. and the timely hitting of Forrest A., who drove in the eventual winning run.

Giants Notes:
No notes