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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 16 at Giants 9
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/26/2004 6:30p Angels
Location Willard MS Giants
ReScheduled 3/28/2004 6:00p
ReSched Location Willard MS
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Elliott Lieberman
Base Ump 1: Zachary Lieberman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Giants Notes:
No notes

Angels Notes:
The much-awaited opening game for SRA finally finished at 10 pm on Sunday night after most of the city was fast asleep. The two expansion teams in their brand new uniforms had all the appearances of the real thing. The Angels jumped out to a quick 4 runs in the first, matched those 4 in the second and added another 3 in the 3rd. The Giants would not be held down and came back with 2 in the 3rd and 5 in the 4th. The Angels were thinking things were looking much like their Saturday game against the Padres were they gave up a 6 run lead. This time the Angels held on for a hard fought 16-9 victory.

Andie R. scoring 4 runs and Zander Y. who scored 5 runs led the Angels at the top of the line up. Ned L. who pitched 3 fine innings, allowing 2 runs, led the pitching and Jordan E. pitched 3 scoreless innings.

The Giants, who would not go easily into the night even after trailing 11-0, were led by the speedy Danny S., who had 2 hits, scored 3 runs and stole at least 7 bases. Danny P. had a ringing double, knocked in 2 runs and pitched well in the final 4 innings keeping the Giants within striking distance.