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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rangers 13 at White Sox 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/6/2004 12:30p Rangers
Location Chabot White Sox
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: David Rosenthal
Base Ump 1: Ed Thomas
Game Summary The Rangers pounded out 13 hits to finish the regular season in first place with a record of 19-3. Harry Holroyd and Alex Bonacum each tossed shutout innings, and each also singled and scored. Joey Fox walked three times and scored. Daniel Williams (2-for-2, .509 season batting average, .655 slugging %), Mike Moyer (3-for-4, two doubles, four RBI, .617 B.A., 1.033 slugging %), Challen Herzberg-Brovold (double, two RBI) and Ryan Trutner (two RBI) each had multi-hit games. For the Sox, Royce Tsukayama made outstanding plays at second, and Eric Robles (2-for-2, double, RBI), Louis Prince (run), Cody Nice, Francis Griffin and Bob Stauffer (double, two RBI) each got hits.