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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Angels 8 at Brewers 22
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/12/2004 5:00p Angels
Location Chabot Brewers
ReScheduled Rescheduled Date/Time Unknown
ReSched Location Chabot
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Tom Counts
Base Ump 1: Mike Smith
Game Summary In the first, Brewer Mitchell Anglin hit a three-run homer, and later Clayton Dobbs stroked a double to give the Brewers a nine-run lead. In the second, the Angels came right back with key hits by Hunter Jackson and Eli Bovarnick. The Brewers Dobbs then drove in two with another double, setting the stage for Anglin's second home run of the game, a grand slam, extending the Brewer lead. Brewers relief pitchers Daniel Killian and Michael Greenberg closed out the victory. Angels Sam Shaw went 2-for-2, and Charlie Wetherbee was 2-for-4 with a double in the second.