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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result White Sox 1 at Yankees 5
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Scheduled 4/7/2004 5:00p White Sox
Location Chabot Yankees
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Dennis Eagan
Base Ump 1: Cal Podrid
Game Summary The Yankees struck with four runs in the bottom of the first on their way to victory over the White Sox. The Yankees offense was led by Travis P (two walks, two runs scored) and Matt B (two hits and two RBIs). Powell F, Cam C, Ted S and Anthony C all contributed key hits for the Yanks. Ted S started the game on the mound for the Yankees, giving up just one hit, one walk and one run. Matt B pitched four shut-out innings in relief (11 Ks, no walks, two hits). Louis P pitched a complete game for the White Sox, notching seven Ks and giving up only two walks. Bobby S stroked a solid double to the wall and Royce T and Elan B played exceptional infield defense to shut down potential Yankee rallies.