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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Giants 3 at A's 4
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Scheduled 4/4/2004 12:30p Giants
Location Chabot A's
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: jeff williams
Base Ump 1: Keegan Mitchell
Game Summary The A's outlasted the Giants by a score of 4-3 on a cold Sunday afternoon at Chabot. Gabe F and Andrew G combined to hold the Giants hitters in check. Jason F hit a triple and Joel K made a nice catch in left field, drove in a run and scored the winning run in the 5th inning. For the Giants, Ryan N combined strong pitching with a triple at the plate. Brandon C delivered a solid double and pulled off a double play at shortstop by tagging out the lead runner and throwing out the runner going to second. Mikhael G kept the Giants close with clutch pitching and hitting.