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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 10 at Royals 11
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Scheduled 4/4/2004 9:30a Brewers
Location Chabot Royals
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: James Fehr
Base Ump 1: Ron Tallia
Game Summary On a chilly morning at Chabot, the Royals again went extra innings to defeat the Brewers in a see-saw game. The Brewers jumped on top 2-0 in the first, aided by a sacrifice fly from catcher Mitch A. But the Royals came back with three runs in the bottom of the second, powered by three singles in a row from John V, Nick W and Willy F. In the third, the Royals opened things up as pitcher Joe M stroked a two-run homer which opened the door to a five-run inning. The Brewers weren’t through, posting a six-run fifth inning to seize the lead 10-8 in the fifth, but the Royals scored single runs in the fifth, sixth and seventh inning to take the game. Royals’ shortstop Ryan M had three hits and a walk, and Ben H had a key double in the 6th to go with another hit. Brewers’ leadoff hitter Jeff B added two singles.