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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Orioles 7 at Tigers 8
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/21/2004 3:30p Orioles
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Tigers
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Erik Housh
Base Ump 1: Nolan Housh
Game Summary The Tigers and Orioles both enjoyed excellent extended relief pitching as the Tigers defeated the Orioles 8-7 in eight innings at Holy Names. Nate H entered in the fourth inning for the Orioles and held the Tigers scoreless until the Tigers pushed over the final run in the eighth on a single to right by Grayson N. Adam A entered in the fifth for the Tigers and after allowing the tying run calmed down and held the strong-hitting Orioles scoreless. Both teams had web gems at shortstop by former Sugar King teammates Tristan L and Joey C -- Tristan squelched a Tiger rally in the fifth with a clutch snag and throw, and Joey made a spectacular backhand stop and throw from deep in the hole to record the third out in the eighth and deny the Orioles the the go-ahead run that had crossed the plate. Evan T and Luke W both had two hits and two RBI's (including a near home run by Evan). The Tiger eighth inning rally was fueled by Julian K and Danny M reaching base before Nuti delivered the game-winning hit.