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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rangers 17 at A's 7
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Scheduled 3/14/2004 3:30p Rangers
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) A's
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Tim Potter
Base Ump 1: Dori Schmidt
Game Summary The Rangers' batathon was led by Gus A-K. (3 hits, 3 runs, 3 RBI), Mike M. (3 hits, 2 runs, 2 RBI), Nick C. (2 rousing doubles, 3 RBI) and Joey F. (2 hits, RBI). Mike allowed 2 hits and 1 unearned run in 4 innings for the win, notching 6 consecutive K's. Alex B. made a successful majors pitching debut. A's Henry F. had 2 singles and scored and Gabe F. ripped an RBI triple.