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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Yankees 4 at Royals 2
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Scheduled 3/14/2004 12:30p Yankees
Location GoldenGateAcad (No Sat games) Royals
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Keith Humphrey
Base Ump 1: Steve Depetris
Game Summary The Yankees and Royals played a nail-biter with the Yankees finally pulling out a 4-2 victory in the 10th inning. The Royals took an early lead in the third capitalizing on a walk to speedy Andrew McF and an uncharacteristic Yankee two base error. Yankee starter Matt B pitched six innings (14 strikeouts, 4 walks, 2 hits), and Royals starter Nick W pitched four strong innings (5 strikeouts, 1 hit). In the top of the 6th, the Yankees tied the game following a walk and singles from Dillon T and Eric S. In the top of the 7th, the Yankees jumped ahead with doubles from first baseman Powell F and catcher Anthony C. But the Royals tied it with Max P's lead-off triple and John V's RBI single. Yankee relief pitcher Daniel C shut out the Royals the rest of the way to notch his first win.

Yankee Truman P picked the right time for his first hit of the season with a clutch, two out triple driving in two to clinch the win. Two extra inning Yankee double plays kept Daniel C out of trouble. The Royals pitching committee (Nick W, Willy F, Andy C and Kristian C) and stellar defense held the powerful Yankee offense in check.