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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Brewers 4 at Orioles 5
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/7/2004 3:30p Brewers
Location Chabot Orioles
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Frank Robles
Base Ump 1: Ted Tsukayama
Game Summary Evan W of the Orioles and Michael G of the Brewers put in strong performances on the mound. Evan struck out 8 Brewers and Michael struck out 9 Orioles, each in 5 innings. Evan also helped his cause with brilliant defense on the mound, making two putouts and catching a rocket line drive. Evan W, Evan T, and Greg F each had two hits, and Luke W also drove in 2 RBIs. For the Brewers, Mitch A came up big with 2 doubles in the game - - driving in one, and scoring two. In the top of the sixth, Nate H shut down any threat of a Brewers rally with three straight strikeouts. With bases loaded and two outs in the bottom of the sixth, Eddie H roped a liner to right-center to score the winning run.