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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result White Sox 2 at Brewers 3
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Scheduled 3/6/2004 9:30a White Sox
Location Chabot Brewers
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Myles Lampenfeld
Base Ump 1: Tom Turner
Game Summary Opening day was a pitcher’s battle between the White Sox and Brewers. The Sox’s Eric R allowed no hits for four innings, striking out ten with no walks. In the fourth, with two men on, Eric hit a double to the fence for two Sox runs, taking the lead 2-0.

Brewers John M matched the Sox each inning striking out eight, giving up two hits in four innings of work. Slowly, the Brewers battled back as Jeff B reached on an error and then later scored on a wild pitch. In the fifth inning, Brewer Clayton D also reached on an error and later scored on a wild pitch, to tie the score 2-2. In relief, Brewer Dustin D struck out three in two innings, and in the bottom of the sixth, Brian T reached base on an error and then stole second and third, running home on an overthrow to spoil the White Sox day.