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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Stars  5 at Astros  6
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/25/2004 5:00p Stars 
Location OAB-2 Astros 
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: John Dolby
Base Ump 1: Chuck Howarth
Game Summary Astros 6 Stars 5

The Astros faced off against the Stars in the regular season finale and came away with a slim 6-5 win. The Astros plated four runs in the bottom of the first aided by a drive over the left fielder's head off the bat of Peter B. The Astros hung on the rest of the game behind gutsy pitching performances by Peter B. and DarAmani S. Sam E. was quite impressive on the mound for the Stars, shutting down the Astros offense during his two-inning stint. The Stars scored two runs in the fourth and two in the fifth to put the scare in the Astros before the defense came up big in the sixth to calm the fear.