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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Scrappers 9 at Cannons  12
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/23/2004 9:30a Scrappers
Location OAB-2 Cannons 
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Keegan Mitchell
Base Ump 1: Seth Benson
Game Summary Scrappers (V) 9 - Cannons (H) 12 5/23 9:30 am OAB#2

The Cannons won their second consecutive comeback victory on Sunday morning, overcoming the Scrappers' six-run first inning to win 12 to 9. Scrappers Willie D., Dominique S-T, Sam P., Noah W., Daniel D., Ryan J. and Danny B. all had hits in the Scrappers explosive top of the first. Cannons pitchers Evan F., Devin M., Matthew R. and Madison W. then settled down to hold off the Scrappers’ attack over the last five innings. The Cannons scored four in the bottom of the first, three in the third and five in the fourth to prevail in a well played game, with the Cannons' big hits coming from Jeffrey D., Dayton S., Eli J., Devin M.,William C., Madison W. and Thomas W.