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NOLL/SOLL  >   2004 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rainiers  19 at Diamondbacks  5
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/22/2004 12:30p Rainiers 
Location OAB-2 Diamondbacks 
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Tim Potter
Base Ump 1: Louis Prince
Game Summary Rainiers 19 Diamondbacks 5

In the last game of the regular season the Rainiers finished with a strong victory. The Diamondbacks kept it close through the first three innings thanks to solid defense and the Rainiers inability to score runs despite loading the bases twice. By the fourth inning the Diamondbacks were down to eight players. While the Rainiers' pitching and defense performed well (Sam D, Zachary S and Luke D each had nice plays in the infield), their offense came alive as Ari P. hit a three run homer over the centerfield fence. This was his second out of the park homerun in three games. Everyone in the Rainiers line-up recorded at least one hit with Chris C, Theo Q and Jasper S hitting triples.