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NOLL/SOLL  >   2000 Sr American  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Pelicans 6 at Firebirds 14
(Short Game) Team Pages
Scheduled 4/9/2000 3:30p Pelicans
Location King Middle School Firebirds
Game Type Normal
Game Summary For the second time this season, a game was shortened due to darkness when the previous game went to late extra innings (Reds 15-Mariners 14).

Pelicans' Summary:
The Pelicans began to pull things together, stringing together a bunch of runs. JAlsup pitched tremendously in relief. JKaufman had 2 putouts at the plate, including a 'routine' 1-3-2 double-play. JHouston led the hitting barrage. Congrats to SKandell and MDarnell with their first hits of the season.

Firebirds' Summary:
First-sacker JMMayerhofer ignited the Firebirds with a two-run double
down the left field line, scoring JSpears and MBleckley as the
Firebirds improved to 3-0 on the young season. Left fielder HWalls collected two doubles, second-sacker PLonsdale and shortstop
MPalley each had a pair of hits and three RBI's, while righthander
JMoore and lefthander DPenza combined to limit the Pelicans
assault to just five hits.