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Albany Little League  >   2023 AA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rockies 0 at Diamondbacks 10
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/20/2023 5:00p Rockies
Location Victory Field Diamondbacks
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Diamondbacks Notes:
Diamond Pitchers:

Paul Michael: 20 (so he's available to pitch on 21 May)
Sani: 42 (so he's available to pitch on 23 May)
Demond: 22(the 20th pitch was thrown to the last
batter faced, so he's available to pitch on 21
Julian: 20 (so he's available to pitch on 21 May)
James Peter; 4 (so he's available to pitch on 21 May)

Rockies Notes:
Pitches thrown:
Cole H = 50
Cole Pon = 18
J Jacobson = 19
Kieran Kosach = 25
Ale = 8