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NOLL/SOLL  >   2022 Majors  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result A's 2 at Monarchs 7
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/27/2022 4:00p A's
Location Chabot Monarchs
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Skip Lehman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Monarchs Notes:
The Monarchs tale this afternoon was told by the pitchers. Pockets and Clyde each threw 3 efficient innings which, combined with a couple crooked numbers early, was more than enough. Clyde somehow struck out 10 in 3 innings (pesky dropped third!) while Pockets used his defense as often as not.

Chipper backed up an errant throw and manufactured an out at 3b (nice tag, CJ!).

Moose had a soaring double, Smores dropped a perfect bunt and (near) birthday boy Whisper ripped a single into left. Elmer is finding his comfort zone, figuring out what works and what doesn't.

Special shout out to Cass, finally healed and ready to stick all parts of his body in front of a grounder!

Hat: Pockets for great pitching!

Next up: A couple weekends of Spring Break before a Tue evening tilt vs the Giants

A's Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
A's Pitchers GPPPIIPPC
Anand C 1 12.00 1.00 12
Kavi D 1 22.50 2.00 45
Zachary S 1 23.00 1.00 23
Sassan V 1 12.00 1.00 12
A's Totals:  4 5 92
Monarchs Pitchers GPPPIIPPC
Mason A 1 20.00 3.00 60
Will E 1 18.00 3.00 54
Monarchs Totals:  2 6 114