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Albany Little League  >   2016 Intermediate  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Wildcats 7 at Badgers 4
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/15/2016 6:45p Wildcats
Location Ocean View Park Badgers
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Badgers Notes:
Badgers scratch out 4 runs against a great pitching performance from Ryan. However, they give up 5 runs in the 3rd, and can't dig out of the hole. Other than the 3rd inning, a lot of really good baseball by both teams. The Badgers got good pitching from Peyton, Cole and Ryan. Max just missed a Homerun by a few feet. Ryan G ripped a double down the line. Will, Jack and Gianluca each had clutch hits for RBIs.

Badgers pitch:

Peyton 41
Will 30
Cole 60
Ryan 12

Wildcats pitch:

Ryan 83
Benny 19

Wildcats Notes:
For the second day in a row, the 'Cats get 5 solid innings from their starting pitcher as Ryan R strikes out 8, walks just 1 and works out of a 3rd-inning jam resulting from back-to-back errors. Ryan R (2-run triple) and Ethan W (3 for 3 with a double) lead the offense, which also gets an RBI double from Alex C-S. Oliver J, Benny P-B and Ben P all make terrific plays in the field.
Now the 'Cats must wait for the Badgers and Hurricanes to duke it out on Saturday to determine seedings heading into elimination play.