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NOLL/SOLL  >   2016 AA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Rockhounds 5 at Hot Rods 17
Team Pages
Scheduled 2/27/2016 9:00a Rockhounds
Location Reservoir Hot Rods
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Rick Gaston
Base Ump 1: Will Gaston
Base Ump 2: Mentor Available
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Hot Rods Notes:
No notes

Rockhounds Notes:
The Hot Rods made some outstanding plays on defense to keep us from scoring any runs in the top of the 1st. Noah Howe started the game pitching well. He gave up only 2 hits and stuck out 3. He was able to hold the Hot Rods to 4 runs in the first. Top of the 2nd inning the Rockhounds were able to bring across 5 runs to take a 5-4 lead. The Bottom of the 2nd Liam R. started on the mound. He struggled with his control walking the bases loaded and then hitting the 5th batter in the inning. Giann came into the inning in relief and also struggled with control and the Hot Rods got their 5 runs taking a 9-5 lead and never looked back. Noah P. came in to pitch the 3rd inning gave up 4 earned runs on 3 hits and 4 walks. Mikael pitched the 4th inning and gave up no runs with 1 walk and 2 strikeouts. Christopher L. pitched the 5th inning giving up 3 earned runs on 4 walks and 1 walk.

Pitcher Stats
Hot Rods Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Charles B 21.00 1 1.00 21
Radman B 30.00 1 1.00 30
Cormac L 14.00 1 1.00 14
Roan M 29.00 1 1.00 29
Finn S 22.00 1 1.00 22
Rockhounds Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Mikael A 21.00 1 1.00 21
Giann C 0.00 1 0.00 17
Noah H 39.00 1 1.00 39
Christopher L 30.00 1 1.00 30
Noah P 30.00 1 1.00 30
Liam R 0.00 1 0.00 17