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Albany Little League  >   2016 Intermediate  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Wolverines 4 at Tigers 12
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/26/2016 1:00p Wolverines
Location Ocean View Park Tigers
Game Type Normal
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Tigers Notes:
Pitch Count:
Isaiah 54
Cole 57
Elijah 7

Wolverines Notes:
The Wolverines kept it close through 3 and a half innings, pulling to within 6-4. But the relentless Tigers were too much on this day as they scored runs in every inning and pulled away with continued strong pitching, defense, solid hitting, and excellent aggressive base running. Of particular note on the Tigers were Cole C. and Miles F. who combined at the top of the order for the Tigers with 6 hits, 5 RBIs and 5 runs. Jake H.'s 2 for 3 day at the plate was notable for a Wolverines team who had plenty of opportunities to plate more runs with runners in scoring position, but just couldn't muster the timely hit to bring the runners home.