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NOLL/SOLL  >   2015 AA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Emeralds 17 at River Cats 2
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/28/2015 10:00a Emeralds
Location Robert Mason Field #2 River Cats
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Miles Dupee
Base Ump 1: Moe Flynn
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries River Cats Notes:
No notes

Emeralds Notes:
The Emeralds had a great team effort today. They were patient at the plate, and they were aggressive when balls were in the strike zone. Parker pitched a strong 2 innings giving up 0 runs followed by another solid 2 innings by Colin. Colin earned the game ball for his hard work on the mound and at the plate.

The River Cats had strong second inning capped by Isaac striking out 3 batters.

The team demonstrated smart base running early on. Isaiah hustled out an IF single, Ryan knew to wait on a pop-up and advanced when the ball was misplayed, and Jayson was alert on every passed ball.

Pitcher Stats
Emeralds Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Parker I 18.00 1 2.00 36
Colin M 27.00 1 2.00 54
River Cats Pitchers PPIGPIPPC
Vince A 20.00 1 1.00 20
Zane B 36.00 1 1.00 36
Isaac K 40.00 1 1.00 40
Owen S 21.00 1 1.00 21