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Albany Little League  >   2013 Albany AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Diamondbacks 4 at Royals 13
Team Pages
Scheduled 5/28/2013 5:30p Diamondbacks
Location Victory Field Royals
Game Type Playoff
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Royals Notes:

Royals Pitch Count:

Connor H: 63
Giacomo: 30

Diamondbacks Notes:
The Dbacks held their own into the 5th inning. They had some excellent defensive plays by Jonah, Max, Finn, Alejandro. There were some great hits by Max. Lewis and Ryan. The Royals pitchers racked up 10 Strike outs. With Connor throwing a perfect first inning. The excellent pitching combined with some very hot bats led the Royals to a well earned victory. Congratulations!!! You played well.

Dbacks Pitching
#1 Max 50
#10 Ryan 15
#6 Finn 31
#8 Liam 20