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NOLL/SOLL  >   2013 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Bulls 4 at Canadians 14
Team Pages
Scheduled 6/1/2013 2:00p Bulls
Location Back Caldecott Canadians
Game Type Playoff
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Matt DeMarco
Base Ump 1: Greg Herman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Canadians Notes:
First playoff game means the nerves are back, but the Canadians came charging out of the gate! Grandpa got two of the first three Bulls' batters and Fingers nailed the other stealing third to end the threat. In the bottom of the first, the Canucks threw up 5 runs after two were out; Fingers plated one with a single and Spike two more with a rocket at and off the first baseman.

Grandpa pitch counted out of the second, but Mosquito threw one pitch to end the second and a quick third as well. With Slinky injured for the day, those 4 outs would be huge for the Canadians.

The offense continued to extend the lead, Ginsu hit a 2-run double, Houdini launched an 11-foot single and Fingers, Ninja and Marshmallow all took home on delayed steals or loose balls.

The Bulls put 4 up in the top of the 4th with a little help from the Canadians' D, but Teddy Bear pitched through the mistakes and the Canucks responded with a quick 5 run, 1 out bottom half.

Ginsu closed with an efficient 5th and 6th and the Canadians advance to the finals of the upper bracket.

Pitching Notes:
* DesW tripped 35 while finishing a batter;
* JalenC tripped 35 while finishing a batter;
* HidekiP tripped 20 while finishing a batter

Called Up: Ginsu (who celebrated a little too exuberantly)

Bulls Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
Canadians Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Jalen C 1 1.00 35 35.00
Hideki P 1 1.33 22 16.54
Takeo P 1 2.00 28 14.00
Desmond W 1 1.66 34 20.48
Canadians Totals:  4 5.99 119