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NOLL/SOLL  >   2013 AA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Stars 13 at Muckdogs 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 3/10/2013 12:30p Stars
Location Montera MS Muckdogs
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Dan Dibley
Base Ump 1: Micah Bloom
Base Ump 2: Mentor Requested
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Muckdogs Notes:
A beautiful warm Sunday afternoon for a Stars/Muckdogs matchup. Both teams were looking sharp in warmups and the Stars showed how ready they were by racking up 5 and blanking the Dogs in the 1st. Marcus H pitched pretty solid but the breaks weren't going his way. Santos P took over in the second and struck out 2 to get out of the inning. Will K held the stars to 1 in the 3rd and the Muckdogs started to rally but were held to 2 in both the 3rd and 4th leaving bases loaded both times (ouch!). Time kept it to a 5 inning game and the Stars were the better team for the day.

Game ball to Santos P for a couple of big hits and relief pitching.

Stars Notes:
No notes

Pitcher Stats
Muckdogs Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Marcus H 1 1.33 57 42.86
Jackson K 1 0.33 6 18.18
William K 1 1.66 59 35.54
Santos P 1 0.66 14 21.21
Maxim W 1 1.00 40 40.00
Muckdogs Totals:  5 4.98 176
Stars Pitchers GPIPPCPPI
Lloyd B 1 1.66 36 21.69
Miles B 1 2.00 39 19.50
Joseph S 1 1.33 50 37.59
Stars Totals:  3 4.99 125