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NOLL/SOLL  >   2012 AAA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Scrappers 8 at Osprey 6
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/18/2012 5:30p Scrappers
Location Back Caldecott Osprey
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Ethan Kleinman
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Osprey Notes:
No notes

Scrappers Notes:
Scrappers got ahead early with a 7 run lead over the Osprey at the middle of the third inning. But the Osprey fought back like a bunch of sea birds fighting over a chicken bone at the beach--putting up 6 runs over the next 3 innings. Eventually the Scrappers prevailed, but not without making it exciting. In the bottom of the sixth with the bases loaded, Brendan shut the door, striking out the final batter of the game. This earned him the game ball.

Pitcher Stats
Osprey Pitchers GPIPPC
Connor G 1 2.00 37
Benjamin H 1 2.00 42
Oliver P 1 2.00 37
Osprey Totals:  3 6 116
Scrappers Pitchers GPIPPC
Miles H 1 1.00 30
Brendan H 1 1.00 23
Hugo M 1 3.00 62
Kolya P 1 1.00 28
Scrappers Totals:  4 6 143