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NOLL/SOLL  >   2011 AA  >   Game Summary

Game Summary
Result Crawfords 9 at Cats 18
Team Pages
Scheduled 4/9/2011 10:00a Crawfords
Location Montera MS Cats
Game Type Normal
Official(s) Plate Umpire: Ben Harrison
Base Ump 1: Cindy Sloan
Game Summary Please see Team Summaries, below
Team Summaries Cats Notes:
No notes

Crawfords Notes:
The Crawfords got down early, but kept their heads in the game and put some runs on the board. Nathan delivered a rocket line drive to the outfield, Zack had a solid single, Tyler drove in some runs, and Matthew came up with a hit as well. The Crawfords were swinging, but the Cats were making plays. Congratulations to the Cats.

Pitcher Stats
Cats Pitchers GPIPPC
Zachary K 1 2.00 67
Anand M 1 3.00 55
Cats Totals:  2 5 122
Crawfords Pitchers GPIPPC
Henry B 1 2.00 38
Matthew G 1 2.00 51
Zeke I 1 1.00 39
Zack S 1 1.00 36
Crawfords Totals:  4 6 164