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PNWLL  >   NWWLA 2005  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time  Gm Teams   Location Official(s)
Fri 2/18/2005 5:00p   N/A (Pra) University of Washington and UPS Starfire Sports (Tukwila)
5:45p   N/A (Pra) University of Washington and Western Washington University Starfire Sports (Tukwila)
7:15p   N/A (Pra) UPS and University of Washington Starfire Sports (Tukwila)
8:00p   N/A (Pra) Western Washington University and University of Washington Starfire Sports (Tukwila) Janet Lennon-Jones
Sat 2/26/2005 8:00a   N/A University of Washington 1 at Oregon State University 0
Walla Walla Field 1-Whit hosts Duke Kamstra
2:00p   N/A (Exh) University of Washington 20 at Gonzaga University 1 Walla Walla Field 1-Whit hosts
Sun 2/27/2005 10:00a   N/A Western Washington University 6 at University of Washington 14 Walla Walla Field 1-Whit hosts Marisa de la Garza
Sat 3/5/2005 9:45a   N/A University of Washington 13 at Univ of Oregon Club-A 14 Linfield College Janet Lennon-Jones
Carol Hartley
12:00p   N/A Boise State University 5 at University of Washington 14 Linfield College Tsering Yuthok-Short
Sun 3/6/2005 8:00a   N/A Whitman College 5 at University of Washington 23 Linfield College Maggie O'Sullivan
11:15a   N/A (Exh) University of Washington 7 at Linfield 6 Linfield College Carol Hartley
Sat 3/12/2005 10:30a   N/A (Exh) Montana Womens 3 at University of Washington 11 Starfire Sports (Tukwila)
2:30p   N/A (Exh) University of Washington 2 at Seattle Womens 12 Starfire Sports (Tukwila) Janet Lennon-Jones
Sat 4/9/2005 10:00a   N/A University of Washington 15 at Willamette University 5 WWU Field 1
4:00p   N/A Lewis & Clark College 4 at University of Washington 16 WWU Field 1 Janet Lennon-Jones
Jana Lauderbaugh
Sun 4/10/2005 12:00p   N/A University of Washington 13 at Pacific Lutheran University 5 WWU Field 1 Janet Lennon-Jones
Sat 4/16/2005 8:00a   N/A University of Washington at WDIA NW Championships Boise ID - Ann Morrison Field
Sun 4/17/2005 8:00a   N/A University of Washington at WDIA NW Championships Boise ID - Ann Morrison Field
Sat 4/23/2005 8:00a   N/A (Exh) University of Washington at LaxWorld Invitational Tournament Delta Park, Field 6 (PDX)
Sat 4/30/2005 4:30p   N/A (Exh) Seattle Womens at University of Washington Seattle Field Janet Lennon-Jones
5:30p   N/A (Exh) Breakaway at University of Washington To Be Determined Seattle Field Janet Lennon-Jones

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