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Ice Station  >   TOASTofTheCOAST  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time  Gm Teams   Location
Thu 11/27/2003 9:05a   9 California Oilers(Pee Wee B) 1 at Arapaho Ice Warriors(PeeWee B) 8 NHL
3:00p   17 Arapaho Ice Warriors(PeeWee B) 2 at North Valley Tigers(PeeWee B) 6 NHL
Fri 11/28/2003 9:05a   28 Arapaho Ice Warriors(PeeWee B) 5 at Ventura Mariners(PeeWee B) 1 Olympic
Sat 11/29/2003 10:35a   52 (Pla) Arapaho Ice Warriors(PeeWee B) 3 at Valencia Express(PeeWee B) 1 Olympic
Sun 11/30/2003 9:10a   70 (Pla) Arapaho Ice Warriors(PeeWee B) 5 at North Valley Tigers(PeeWee B) 6 NHL

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