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Ice Station  >   2011 HIGH SCHOOL HOCKEY LEAGUE  >   Schedule

Schedule Filter

Date Time  Gm Teams   Location
Tue 2/22/2011 6:15p   100 (Pra) TRYOUT and WEST VALLEY NHL
7:35p   101 (Pra) TRYOUT and BAKERSFIELD Olympic
8:45p   102 (Pra) TRYOUT and INDIANS NHL
Wed 2/23/2011 7:00p   103 (Pra) TRYOUT and CENTURIONS NHL
8:15p   104 (Pra) TRYOUT and BURBANK NHL
Thu 2/24/2011 6:15p   105 (Pra) TRYOUT and INDIANS NHL
7:30p   106 (Pra) TRYOUT and VIKINGS NHL
Mon 2/28/2011 7:30p   107 (Pra) TRYOUT and COWBOYS NHL
Tue 3/1/2011 6:15p   108 (Pra) TRYOUT and WEST VALLEY NHL
7:35p   109 (Pra) TRYOUT and NORTHERNERS Olympic
8:45p   110 (Pra) TRYOUT and BAKERSFIELD NHL
Wed 3/2/2011 7:00p   111 (Pra) TRYOUT and CENTURIONS NHL
8:15p   112 (Pra) TRYOUT and BURBANK NHL
Thu 3/3/2011 6:15p   113 (Pra) TRYOUT and COWBOYS NHL
7:30p   114 (Pra) TRYOUT and VIKINGS NHL
Sat 3/5/2011 5:25p   115 (Pra) TRYOUT and NORTHERNERS NHL

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